What are the most fundamental values of the Jewish religion? 犹太教最基本的价值观是什么?
As she ( and many others) have observed, much of the poetry dedicated to Mary comes from what is called the "wisdom tradition" of the Jewish religion. 玛格丽特(还有很多其它人)发现,很多献给玛丽的诗歌都来自犹太教的“智慧传统”。
His affiliation with the Jewish people was the strongest bond in his life, even though he did not adhere to the rituals of the religion. 爱因斯坦同犹太民族在一生中有着最为强烈的情结,即便他没有遵照犹太教的宗教仪式。
While in the secondary school, Einstein received instruction in the Jewish religion. 在中学读书期间,爱因斯坦接受犹太教教育。
Of Jewish descent, he was a lapsed Catholic by religion. 身为犹太人后裔,他算是离经叛道的天主教徒。
In the Jewish religion, we focus more on deeds than words. 而犹太教,我们重点是看行为,超过语言。
If someone asked you the question, how did this little movement, started by this Jewish prophet in Galilee, how did it become a world religion? 如果有人问你,这个小小的,由加利利一个犹太先知发起的运动,是怎么变成世界宗教的?
Singer was not dedicated to explaining of facts and the certainty and ending of plots, and he was deeply affected by the Jewish culture and supernatural phenomena. His Short Stories had uncertain factors of plots, supernatural phenomena and religion. 辛格不致力于事实的解释工作以及情节的确定与终结,他深受犹太教文化和超自然现象的影响,他的短篇小说中常常表现出具有不确定性的情节因素、宗教因素和超自然因素。
In a great sense, the essential reason of Malamud's stressing morality and focusing on suffering in his fictions, resulted from the influence of the Jewish religion, law, history and literature. 他强调道德,关注人类生存痛苦,这在很大程度上来自犹太教、犹太律法、犹太历史和犹太文学对他的影响。
The Hebrew Law, with the Jewish religion, history, and culture closely integrated, was the ancient master of the East in the legal culture. 希伯来法与犹太人的宗教、历史、文化紧密融合,是古代东方法律文化的集大成者。
The radical reformers denied the ever effectiveness of traditional Jewish law in modern society and thought that Jews should abandon their Jewish nationality, for Judaism would become a universal religion in future. 激进改革者认为传统律法在现代社会中已经失去效力,主张抛弃犹太民族性,因为未来犹太教是一种普世宗教。
Mourning the loss of Jewishness is mainly manifested in the loss of the Jewish religion and Jewish identity. 哀悼犹太性的丧失则主要表现在丧失犹太人的宗教信仰和犹太人的身份特征。